10 photos that will make you fall in love with Scotland

Isle of Skye, Scotland

I visited Scotland for the first time last year, starting in Edinburgh and making my way up towards the Isle of Skye. Scotland is a beautiful, almost magical place. The official animal is the unicorn, perfectly fitting for a mystical place like Scotland. I’ve included 10 photos from my last trip that help illustrate why I love this place so much.

Glencoe, Scotland

Isle of Skye Scotland

Quiraing, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Isle of Skye, Scotland

Isle of Skye, Scotland

Kilt Rock, Isle of Skye, Scotland

Arthurt's Seat, Edinburgh, Scotland

Isle of Skye, Scotland

Hollyrood Castle, Edinburgh

Isle of Skye, Scotland

Author: Rebecca Pattee

Rebecca started Away From the Office to encourage office workers to temporarily step away from the 9-5 grind and see the world. Follow along for advice on amazing destinations, packing tips and more.

6 thoughts on “10 photos that will make you fall in love with Scotland”

  1. I am planning on visiting Scotland this summer and these great photos have really whetted my appetite! Can’t wait to go! Thanks!

  2. Lived in Scotland for a few years, stunning and the people are awesome. The west coast is better, take the drive from Glasgow around Loch Lomond up to Glencoe. May and September are great months to visit

  3. Scotland offers something for everyone. I’ve panned for gold, gone on a walk in the tree tops (yes-the walk is at the top of the trees), added a stone to Cairn of Mount, and gone on horseback trek Borers. Not just beautiful wilderness but impressive ruins too, and Skye has a Croft Museum showing how people lived up until 1930’s. The Orkneys are a place to go too, with a World Heritage Site (Skara Brae) older than Stonehenge consisting of actual living areas. Wild & Beautiful place-lots of opportunity to LEARN about so many things. Enjoy it again, and again. I’ve done so & want to go again.

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